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The Passion Company
Oct 3, 2023
Conquering the Beast of Self-Doubt and Embracing Your Authentic Power
We see you. You, the maverick, the one who's been wrestling with the beast of confidence. You've been in the ring, gloves on, sweat...
Jeremy Lasman
Mar 29, 2023
The Five Steps to Transform Pain
1. Time Ask yourself “How much time does this experience of pain contain?” 1 year? 5 years, 10 years? This will show you a new relative...
Jeremy Lasman
Oct 26, 2022
Anger is Passion - Let it Flow
The negativity behind anger is actually suppressed emotional energy. When anger is allowed to flow it can be channeled creatively and be...
Jeremy Lasman
Nov 21, 2020
Lower Stress, Decrease Pain, and Recalibrate Focus to Reach Your Goals
Mastering tension is how you leverage passion. Settle into this moment and give yourself permission to be brave and face any discomfort...
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