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Creating Your Own Metaphors

Writer's picture: Jeremy LasmanJeremy Lasman

From the Archives: May 21, 2018

The Matrix was one of the first movies that spoke to me on this philosophical level of questioning what is reality and simulation. It got me thinking about things like the matrix, constructs, programs, and upgrades. When we look at what movies do, in metaphor, that’s all that we’re saying when we use metaphors as this approach to our own human development. Self-awareness is treating life more like a dream, treating your character more like a movie character, our identity more like a movie character. And so this kind of philosophical definition of what is self-awareness starts to have more depth to it.

Everyone has their own metaphors for their interface and interactivity with their mind-body-spirit, with their emotional body, with their mental state, with their mind. Everyone has their own metaphors, and it’s based off your personality, your passion, your knowledge base.

I’m extremely techy. So of course my metaphors are going to be very techy (like uninstall the software, delete the program, delete the thought, etc.). Those kinds of computer metaphors are what really resonate for me and allow my imagination to believe what I’m doing, so that’s how I clear.

Some people need a physical symbol in real life that they literally burn, and that to them is their ritualistic letting go. And if you’re talking to an engineer, they might use building examples, such as go down to the basement and clean it out. So everyone has a different metaphor. And once you find the metaphor that suits you, that you believe, then it makes clearing, releasing, healing, shifting a whole lot easier because it becomes natural. Oh yeah, I’m the master of my mind? What I say goes? Then I don’t want this shit. Just erase it off the board.

When you can tune into that, it goes from something that’s rigid to something like Play-doh, where it’s malleable, and you can start to contort it and play with it. Again this sense of play, right? Looking at the pain and playing with the pain and transforming pain. It stops being so rigid and serious and strict and cemented and heavy and restrictive and constricting. Then you realize, oh, it’s like a little toy. I can bend it this way, pull it that way, squeeze it this way. I can kick it like a sandcastle. And when you’re tied to your own self-belief, it’s real for you. Anything that you can imagine is real.

So the invitation here is to start to paint your own metaphors. How do you do that? Start by asking: What does my limitation look like? We have this pain, but we never actually look at it. It’s not like we’re looking with our eyes, but we’re starting to look inward at our experience, through our imagination, through our third eye, through our consciousness screen. To look inward rather than externally for the first time in our lives to try to “see” the inner working of our technology, the inside of ourselves, through our own experience, through our own definitions and language and metaphors and resonance.

So we have this limitation, this hindrance, this obstruction, this block, this pain, this whatever it is—emotion, feeling, sensation—that doesn’t feel good, that is stripping us of our freedom. So this first question of what does it look like takes something that’s hidden in shame, that thrives on secrecy, that we’re not “supposed” to examine, and all of a sudden we’ve turned our microscope inward and seen what it is. And once you do that, things become more transparent, more visible instead of invisible. Because we’re no longer unconsciously afraid of ourselves, or of these illusions that we bought into and subscribed to unconsciously when we were kids.

I’m asking you to be creative. Asking you to open up your creativity. It’s what’s natural to us, but it’s been so shamed and conditioned out of us that it’s awkward to be creative in that regard. But that’s all that this is calling to, is becoming this artist of your imagination, of what is actually going on inside of you. Which is taking the unconscious and making it conscious. Or becoming self-aware.

When we use metaphor, we can get out of the restrictiveness of “this is pain and I can’t do anything about it.” All of a sudden, when we start speaking in metaphors, we get access to our creativity. We get access to new ways of explaining what seems so hardened and cemented and real. All of a sudden, we can start to see the flimsiness of some of these limitations that have held us down because of how beliefs are hardcoded into our programming.

This work allows you to paint your own pictures of your disempowered and empowered states, of your bondage and liberation, of your negativity and positivity, of your low frequency and high frequency emotions.

The approach to personal development through a lens of entertainment will garner much more results than approaching it from a serious angle of trying to fix yourself, or trying to fill a hole, or trying to bolster or prop something up artificially.

reality, simulation, philosophy, programming, self-awareness, identity, mindbodyspirit, mind, passion, imagination, technology, healing, play, pain, experiment, limitations, consciousness, emotion, freedom, shame, creativity, empowerment, negativity, frequency


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