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The Untamed Mind Meets Imagination Technology: A Conversation About Breaking Free from Fear-Based Operating Systems

How Imagination Technology is Revolutionizing Human Operating Systems

In a recent episode of The Untamed Mind podcast, our founder Jeremy Lasman sat down with host Bree Johnson to explore how humanity can transcend its outdated "survival of the fittest" operating system and embrace a new way of being powered by imagination and clean passion-energy.

The conversation revealed fascinating parallels between The Untamed Mind's mission of "undomestication" and The Passion Company's work to help humans upgrade from fear-based operating systems to ones driven by creativity and conscious evolution.

Breaking Free from the Old OS

As Jeremy explained, most humans are still running on an ancient operating system – Survival of the Fittest (SOTF OS) – that uses fear as its primary fuel source. While this OS served an important evolutionary purpose, it's now creating major bottlenecks in human performance and wellbeing.

"Just like running a really old computer nowadays, it would be sluggish, buggy. If it ever turned on, it would always crash," Jeremy noted. "That's sort of what bottlenecks we're hitting in performance of that old architecture."

A Revolutionary Choice

The Passion Company offers something unprecedented – a genuine alternative to SOTF OS through Imagination Technology (IT OS). This isn't just another self-help program layered on top of old programming. It's a fundamental upgrade to how we operate as multi-dimensional beings.

"There has never been a challenger to survival of the fittest," Jeremy emphasized. "Once you're aware of a new choice, well, then you have the freedom to choose."

Clean Energy for Inner Climate Change

Rather than adding more information and complexity, IT OS takes a subtractive "unphilosophy" approach – clearing away conditioned beliefs and fear-based programming to reveal our natural state of creativity and passion.

This aligns perfectly with The Untamed Mind's focus on "unschooling" from limiting paradigms. As both Jeremy and Free discussed, true freedom comes not from piling on more knowledge, but from releasing what holds us back.

The Path Forward

The conversation highlighted how cleaning fear from our internal fuel source allows us to:

  • Access higher states of consciousness and creativity

  • Make choices from love rather than fear

  • Tap into our authentic passion and purpose

  • Contribute to positive collective evolution

As Jeremy shared, "Passion is what distinguishes us from animals and machines. Neither animals nor machines have what we as humans interface as passion."

Join the Revolution

Ready to upgrade your operating system and access cleaner passion-energy? Here are three ways to get started:

  1. Take our How Clean Is Your Energy Quiz to assess your current state

  2. Check out our free IT OS Knowledge Base to learn more

  3. Schedule an IT Demo Call to experience the difference

Listen to the full conversation between Jeremy and Bree on The Untamed Mind Podcast to dive deeper into this revolutionary approach to human evolution.

Untamed Mind podcast cover with Host Bree Johnson


The Passion Company is Earth's first Passion Utility Provider, delivering clean passion-energy through Imagination Technology to accelerate conscious evolution.

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