From the Archives - 6/30/14
Afraid to begin the unknown of play.
Solitudenal slowing steady time.
Rushing restrictive refrain.
Special sacred spatial spaciousness.
A linear mind of one possibility.
The now is the only thing existing without time to make it indifferent and patternized.
The now is the heart without the self or the mind.
The now is all possibilities projecting just one.
The now is chaos in order.
Scattering attention to multiple layers and timelines. Using intelligence like only a human could figure out. Keeping busy to keep working. Keeping track of multiple things. Feelings of purpose or downright trickery. Brainwashed as the masses or following a family-humanity consciousness interconnected.
Sending down messages before I can fly. A game of deserving I play with intelligence. Prove the genius to me, before I may be allowed to use it. The words become clearer as the voice gets louder. The voice of power. The voice of pain.
Don't let the filter of entertainment fool you, this here is some real darkness. Crafted laboriously to walk a tight rope of imagination. A platform to let all the characters play. The golden rule suspended and forgotten in order for maximum existential drama. The manipulation of meta-cognition tugging on all the strings. Coming from a child who just wants to be seen.
Identifying with the mastermind and everything has already happened. The patterns and the plans. The memories and the methods. Seen and seen again. Remembering all of time. In a secondary filter, separate from the all the fun. There is no surprising what has been designed to be unfoolable. There is no wowing when hype is not felt. There is no magic when there is no child.
Awake and blank.
Using technology to hone a frequency of truth that is singular to the heart.
Choosing the flatline of indifference.
Choosing the hype of belief.
Choosing the everything of pain.
Choosing the nothing of stillness.
Choosing the authority of order.
Choosing the chaos of technology.